Terms and Conditions

Welcome to The Freelancers Company. 


Please read these Terms of Service carefully before using our website. By accessing, using our site,
opening an account, or agreeing to these Terms of Service, you agree to comply with these terms and
our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with these terms, you should not use our site.


This site is available to users who are at least 18 years old. If you are between 13 and 18, you may only
use the site with permission from a parent or guardian. Users under 13 are not permitted to use the site.
By using the site, you confirm that you meet these age requirements.

General Terms

  • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate any account that violates these Terms of Service
    or our Community Standards.
  • Users with suspended accounts cannot buy or sell on our platform.
  • Suspended users can contact Customer Support for information regarding their account status.
  • Users should enable security features to protect their accounts.
  • Disputes should be resolved using our Resolution Center or by contacting Customer Support.
  • We may update these Terms of Service periodically. Continued use of the site signifies
    acceptance of any changes.


  • Sellers create listings to offer their services to buyers.
  • Each successful sale credits the seller’s account with 80% of the purchase amount.
  • Sellers are responsible for obtaining any necessary liability insurance.
  • We may remove listings or suspend accounts for violations, including illegal activities, lowquality services, or inappropriate content.
  • Sellers should use appropriate images and descriptions for their listings and deliver services that
    match the listed quality.


  • Buyers should not make direct payments to sellers outside our platform.
  • We retain the right to use publicly available delivered work for marketing purposes.
  • We retain the right to use publicly available delivered work for marketing purposes.

Disputes and Cancellations

  • We encourage buyers and sellers to resolve conflicts among themselves. If needed, contact
    Customer Support for assistance.
  • For more information on disputes, order cancellations, and refunds, please refer to our Payment

User Conduct and Protection

  • Users must maintain professional and respectful communication on our platform.
  • Sharing personal contact information to circumvent our messaging system is prohibited.
  • All file exchanges must occur on our platform.
  • Discriminatory or abusive behaviour may result in account suspension.
  • Users cannot solicit business outside of our platform.

Prohibited Activities

  • Users may not engage in illegal activities, phishing, spamming, or sharing of adult content.
  • Creating multiple accounts to mislead the community or circumvent guidelines is prohibited.
  • Selling accounts is not allowed.

Intellectual Property

  • The site and its content are owned by The Freelancers Company and are protected by
    intellectual property laws.
  • Users may not copy, distribute, or create derivative works from our site content without

Feedback and Confidentiality

  • By providing feedback, users grant us the right to use it for any purpose without compensation.
  • Sellers must treat buyer information as confidential and use it only for the delivery of the
    ordered work.

User Generated Content

  • Users are responsible for the content they upload. We do not monitor user-generated content
    for appropriateness or compliance with copyright laws.